Webový server

Vibe.d allows writing HTTP(S) web servers in no time:

auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = 8080;
listenHTTP(settings, &foo);

This starts a web server on port 8080 where all requests are handled by a foo function:

void foo(HTTPServerRequest req,
    HTTPServerResponse res) { ... }

To ease typical usage patterns and the configuration of different paths, a URLRouter class is provided which either allows registering GET, POST etc. handlers using the .get("path", handler) and .post("path", handler) member functions, or registering a custom web interface class which implements web server paths as member functions:

auto router = new URLRouter;
router.registerWebInterface(new WebService);
listenHTTP(settings, router);

The paths of the custom web interface WebService's member functions will automatically be deduced using a simple scheme:

  • index() will handle/index
  • getName() will handle the GET request /name
  • postUsername() will handle to POST request to /username

Custom paths can be set by attributing a member function with a @path("/hello/world") attribute. Parameters for POST requests will be made available to the function using _ prefixed variable names. It is also possible to specify parameters directly in the path itself:

void foo(int _id)

You don't need to pass HTTPServerResponse and HTTPServerRequest as parameter to each function. Vibe.d statically checks whether it is in a function's parameter list and just passes it if needed.

rdmd playground.d