Using the default build parameters the main()
function of a vibe.d application is specified
by a special shared static this()
import vibe.d;
shared static this() {
// Vibe.d code here
A module constructor is executed
before main()
and just run once. Vibe.d provides
its own main()
and hides all the event loop and
housekeeping stuff from the user code.
Vibe.d uses fibers to implement asynchronous I/O:
every time a call to socket would block - because we don't
have any data for reading for example - the currently
running fiber yield
s its current execution
context and leaves the field for another
operation. When the data is available we just
resume execution:
// Might block but this is transparent.
// If socket is ready vibe.d makes sure
// we return here.
line = connection.readLine();
// Might block too
Also the code looks like it is synchronous and would block the current thread, but it doesn't! The code looks clean and concise but it still uses the power of asynchronous I/O allowing thousands of connections on a single core.
All vibe.d features make use of fiber based asynchronous socket operations so you don't have to worry about that one single slow MongoDB server connection blocks your whole application.
Make sure to check the example which shows how to implement a simple TCP based echo server.