
Functions can be attributed in various ways in D. Let's have a look at two built-in attributes as well as user-defined attributes. There are also the built-ins @safe, @system and @trusted which have been mentioned in the first chapter.


A function marked as @property looks like a normal member to the outside world:

struct Foo {
    @property bar() { return 10; }
    @property bar(int x) { writeln(x); }

Foo foo;
writeln(; // actually calls = 10; // calls;


When the D compiler encounters a function that is marked as @nogc it will make sure that no memory allocations are done within the context of that function. A @nogc function is just allowed to call other @nogc functions.

void foo() @nogc {
  // ERROR:
    auto a = new A;

User-defined attributes (UDAs)

Any function or type in D can be attributed with user-defined types:

struct Bar { this(int x) {} }

struct Foo {
  @("Hello") {
      @Bar(10) void foo() {

Any type, built-in or user-defined, can be attributed to functions. The function foo() in this example will have the attributes "Hello" (type string) and Bar (type Bar with value 10). To get the attributes of a function (or type) use the built-in compiler traits __traits(getAttributes, Foo) which returns a TypeTuple.

UDAs allow to enhance generic code by giving user-defined types another dimension that helps compile time generators to adapt to that specific type.


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